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DataRobot and ADAPT Celebrate the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

July 20, 2023
· 4 min read

At DataRobot, the Abled and Disabled Advocates Partnering Together (ADAPT) Community provides education and allyship to advocate for and empower DataRobot employees with disabilities to ensure an inclusive work environment. We remember that every person has unique abilities, challenges, and support and has had vastly different experiences in the workplace, school, medical community, and society. We celebrate these differences and the unique contributions of each individual, no matter their abilities or disclosure. Today, we celebrate the ADA and affirm the DataRobot commitment to guarantee that people with disabilities have the same opportunities as everyone else to enjoy employment and participate fully in society.

The World Health Organization estimates that 1.3 billion people—or 1 in 6—experience a significant disability today. The odds are quite good that you are someone with a disability or that you know someone with a disability. Until his passing when I was five, I spent much time with my grandfather, who was left paraplegic in a workplace accident and lived before the passage of the ADA. I remember how difficult it was for him to navigate a world with barriers where most perceived none. Parking and bathrooms could change the course of his day. A career of building things with his own hands was no longer possible. Watching him presented my first lessons about systemic inequality and individual perseverance.

Understanding the ADA: An Overview

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), enacted on July 26, 1990, marked a significant turning point in the fight for equal rights and accessibility for people with disabilities. It covers a wide range of disabilities and protects against discrimination in various areas of public life, such as employment (Title I), public services and public transportation (Title II), public accommodations (Title III), telecommunications (Title IV), and miscellaneous provisions (Title V).

For individuals like my grandfather, who lived with disability in a pre-ADA world, the Act would have been a beacon of hope. It mandated reasonable accommodations in workplaces and public spaces, ensuring access to the same opportunities as those without disabilities. Although my grandfather did not live to see its enactment, the ADA represents the societal progress he deserved, a commitment to the dignity and equality of individuals with disabilities.

Impact of the ADA: From Personal and Wider Perspectives

Reflecting on my grandfather’s experiences, I can imagine how the ADA would have transformed his life. From enabling easier access to public spaces through ramps and elevators to ensuring fair treatment in employment, the ADA could have offered him a newfound sense of freedom and equality.

While my grandfather didn’t live to see this landmark legislation, it’s essential to recognize the substantial societal shifts the ADA has brought about. It has spurred changes in physical infrastructure, with public places like parks, restaurants, and theaters becoming more accessible. The Act promotes inclusivity in workplaces by requiring reasonable accommodations for disabled employees. Public transportation and telecommunications have evolved, prioritizing accessibility for all citizens, regardless of their physical abilities.

However, the ADA’s impact extends beyond the tangible, changing societal attitudes toward disability. People with disabilities are no longer viewed solely through the lens of their impairments but are recognized for their capabilities and contributions. My grandfather’s experiences highlight the pre-ADA struggles, and the Act’s inception, although too late for him, demonstrates a significant step towards inclusivity, equality, and dignity for all.

The ADA’s Future: The Need for Continued Advocacy

As we look back on the transformation brought about by the ADA, we also recognize the work still to be done. Reflecting on my grandfather’s experiences, it’s clear that the protections and accommodations the ADA mandates would have made a substantial difference in his life. However, the struggle for full accessibility and equality continues.

While society has made significant progress, challenges persist. Individuals with disabilities still face barriers in areas not fully addressed by the ADA, such as housing and healthcare. Furthermore, enforcement of the ADA is often inconsistent, leading to disparities in accessibility across different regions and sectors. 

Remembering my grandfather reminds me of the necessity for continued advocacy. The ADA is a powerful tool, but we need ongoing effort, vigilance, and social commitment to realize its full potential. This is not just about laws and regulations; it’s about our collective pursuit of a more inclusive, equal, and understanding society.

ADAPT is critical to that pursuit at DataRobot. I couldn’t be prouder or more humbled by the opportunity to lead, actively advocate, and raise awareness around disability in the workplace and beyond. With the company’s support and many dedicated colleagues, we’ll continue to realize the dream behind the ADA here at DataRobot.

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About the author
Chad Harness
Chad Harness

Technical Strategic Initiatives Director, DataRobot

Chad Harness is an experienced data scientist and lifelong disabled rights supporter and advocate. At DataRobot, he leads Technical Strategic Initiatives, leading technical training efforts on cutting-edge technologies for technical and non-technical colleagues. He is neurodiverse and a leader of ADAPT, DataRobot’s Employee Resource Group dedicated to providing education and allyship to advocate for and empower DataRobot employees with disabilities to ensure an inclusive work environment.

Chad has a bachelor’s in statistics from North Carolina State University, a master’s in information and data science from UC Berkeley, and seventeen years of applied data science experience in finance and technology, solving business problems with machine learning in areas spanning risk, fraud, retail, marketing, human resources, and manufacturing. He is a passionate lifelong learner.

Meet Chad Harness
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