Product Lifecycle Support Policy

The DataRobot team continually reassesses our products and services to support product innovation, adapt to changing market demands and to respond to our customers’ feedback. As part of this process, DataRobot may periodically discontinue specific products or versions of products and hosted services to assure the delivery of innovative and cost-effective products. 

This policy specifies the communication for discontinued products and versions, as well as the information needed to plan for migration to successor technologies.

The Product and Services Lifecycle Matrix outlines DataRobot products and services and when they will be retired. 

If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to your Account Manager or  For existing customers, specific End of Support (EOSupp) and End of Life (EOL) dates may differ based on their current subscription agreement.

Product Lifecycle Phase Definitions

For the purposes of this policy, the following definitions will be applicable:

Notification of End of Life (NEOL) – This is the date that DataRobot will publicly announce or begin notifying customers about the End of Life for certain features or offerings.

End of Sale (EOS) — The End-of-Sale (EOS) date is the final day to purchase a product or a SaaS service. DataRobot may still offer software support after the EOS has been announced.

End of Support (EOSupp) — The End-of-Support (EOSupp) date is the last day of code-level maintenance when DataRobot stops providing supplemental engineering services to customers.

End of Life (EOL) — This is the date that signifies a feature or application has reached the end of its useful life, and the product will no longer receive technical support or be available for software downloads. This means, effectively, the end of maintenance and patch support ultimately leading to the removal of the feature. It will also cease to have marketing or sales support.

The diagram below indicates the chronological order of these phases:

lifecycle diagram

This policy applies to EOL notifications made on or after September 2022.

Supporting innovation to improve the customer experience

DataRobot is constantly innovating and adding new features or offerings to its platform that significantly amplify the productivity of teams engaged in Data Science projects,  provide fastROI, and  accelerate the time to put a model into production. Check out the DataRobot platform’s  key capabilities and how global customers are leveraging the platform.

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