
Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming marketing, but for most marketers, getting actionable insights through “AI marketing” seems impossible without an army of software engineers. We have a solution: The DataRobot AI Cloud platform.

Discover how marketers are using enterprise AI for more intelligent marketing campaigns.

Our software turns massive amounts of customer and digital advertising data into predictions that increase sales, optimize advertising ROI, increase customer satisfaction, and make your marketing programs more effective.

AI in Marketing

The speed of business has accelerated to the point where marketers can no longer get by with traditional methods of attracting, influencing, and retaining customers. To understand and proactively reach both new and existing customers, today’s marketers need to embrace artificial intelligence (AI) to automate and accelerate all aspects of their marketing efforts.

  • Accuracy

    Grouping similar customers for marketing purposes – or “Cluster Analysis” – used to be a best marketing practice. But times have changed and today’s consumers expect to be treated as individuals, not part of a group. Clustering decreases targeting efficiency, which equates to less sophisticated marketing, fewer sales, and higher costs. Modern machine learning marketing techniques accurately predict complex human behavior on an individual level.

  • Time to Market

    Human behavior is complex and constantly changing. To keep your marketing strategy up-to-date, your predictive models need to continuously evolve in order to keep up with the latest trends. Historically, teams of data scientists manually built these models over weeks or months, eating into ROI and compromising timelines. With DataRobot, models can be created in a fraction of the time and updated as conditions change to remain relevant.

  • Scaling for Growth

    50 years ago, people shopped locally and shopkeepers knew every customer. But modern businesses have thousands or even millions of customers. No single human, or even a team, can keep track of that many people. With DataRobot, marketers can finally process the huge amount of data that accompanies an ever-expanding consumer base faster than a team of data scientists could ever hope to.

  • Transparency

    It’s not enough to know that your model selected a customer to include in your next marketing campaign. You need to know precisely why it did so, and have trust in the accuracy and accessibility of your data—knowing that this was the right call. Once you understand the reasons, you can align the message with each individual customer optimize the effectiveness of your marketing campaign. DataRobot doesn’t just build accurate models – it explains how they work.

DataRobot Helps Marketers With:

  • Advertising

    Businesses spend billions of dollars a year on advertising, but is that money well-spent? With DataRobot, marketers attribute sales to advertising activities, optimizing ad spend to bring in more leads for less.

  • Prospecting

    Identifying and engaging high-quality leads is critical to success, but most businesses use guesswork for prospecting. Using DataRobot to predict what content resonates with each prospect improves close rates using data that businesses already have.

  • Customer Relationships

    It costs less to sell more to an existing customer than to bring in a new customer. DataRobot lets you individually optimize which messages you use to connect with customers and which products you suggest, driving greater sales.

  • Loyalty Programs

    More and more businesses are using loyalty reward programs to engage with customers. Using DataRobot to predict which offers and program elements will increase loyalty program usage results in higher customer engagement.

  • Customer Satisfaction

    Satisfied customers recommend your company to their network, while dissatisfied customers leave. Predicting net promoter scores and customer churn is easy with DataRobot: as machine learning and marketing automation provide actionable insights on the key drivers of customer satisfaction.

  • Competitors

    In an environment that is more competitive than ever, businesses need to measure their competitive positioning. With DataRobot, analyzing competitor prices and offerings allows you to price your products for success with your customer base.

  • “I think we need to take it upon ourselves in the industry to build the predictive models that understand what the needs and wants of our customers are, and go through the whole curation process, become their concierge.”
    Oliver Rees
    Oliver Rees

    General Manager – Torque Data at Virgin Australia

  • “I am not a data scientist. I have not had to spend time figuring out how to use DataRobot. DataRobot frees people to experiment and try different approaches, with no real cost.”
    Kim Gregersen
    Kim Gregersen

    Co-founder & CPO, One Prediction

  • “At LendingTree, we recognize that data is at the core of our business strategy to deliver an exceptional, personalized customer experience. DataRobot transforms the economics of extracting value from this resource.”
    Akshay Tandon
    Akshay Tandon

    VP of Strategy Analytics, LendingTree

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